QC Microbiology Slides are microscope slide preparations containing specific organism populations with known and predictable characteristics.
A reliable source of microbiology quality control slides is essential.
Microscope slide preparations containing specific microorganism populations of known and predictable staining characteristics and microscopic morphology are used in quality control, education, and proficiency programs.
The Microbiologics' slides support formal quality assurance programs by serving as quality control challenges to verify performance of stain reagents, staining methods, and the performance of personnel interpreting microscopic examinations.
QC Microbiology Slides consist of six groups of microscope slide preparations including:
Acid-Fast Stain Controls
Blood Parasites
Tissue Fungi
Intestinal Parasites
Gram Stain Controls
Mycology Controls
Each Microbiology QC Slide is labeled with the slide description. The product description details the challenge material provided on each slide and the reference notation (ref ...) provide information regarding the actual use of the challenge material in the laboratory.