TriSensor is a competitive test involving two receptors and generic monoclonal antibodies in one single operation.
The test requires the use of two components :
The first component is a microwell containing predetermined amounts of both receptors and antibodies linked to gold particles.
The second is a dipstick made up of a set of membranes with specific capture lines.
Beta-lactams, Tetracyclines and Sulfonamides are the three most widely used antibiotic families for the treatment of bacterial infections in dairy cattle. A specific indication for administrating these antibiotics is infectious mastitis. These drugs are also administered to animals in feed for growth promotion and for collective prophylactic treatment. The monitoring of Beta-lactams, Tetracyclines and Sulfonamides in milk is important because of the hypersensitivity of some individuals to these antibiotics and also because of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In addition, the general residual level of antibiotics could alter the efficiency of industrial processing of raw milk toward cheese or other fermented dairy products preparation. Maximum residue limits (MRLs) have been specified for food products and milk to control the levels of these antibiotics reaching the consumers.