GastroVir K-SeT is a rapid diagnostic test for in vitro detection of Rotavirus & group F Adenovirus in stool specimens.
Advantages of the GastroVir K-SeT
Easy to use
Easy to read
Rapid (10’)
Multiple coloured lines
Performance of the kit
Principle of the test
This is a ready-to-use test that is based on the homogeneous membrane system technology with latex microspheres. The faecal sample must be diluted in the dilution buffer that is supplied with the test. A nitrocellulose membrane is sensitized with antibodies directed against Rotavirus and Adenovirus. The test’s specificity comes from two monoclonal antibodies directed against Group A VP6 proteins of human Rotavirus and specific proteins of human Adenovirus serotype 40/41, respectively, that are conjugated to latex microspheres. These conjugates are dried on a polyester membrane.
When the liquid phase of the faecal suspension come into contact with the strip, the solubilized mixed conjugate migrates with the sample by passive diffusion and the conjugate and sample material come into contact with monoclonal antibody directed against specific Adenovirus proteins. If the sample contains Adenovirus 40/41, the conjugate-Adenovirus complex remains bound to the monoclonal antibody adsorbed to the nitrocellulose and a red line develops. The solution continues to migrate to encounter an anti-Rotavirus monoclonal antibody that is adsorbed to the nitrocellulose. If the sample contains Rotavirus, the conjugate-Rotavirus complex will remain bound to the anti-Rotavirus monoclonal antibody and a blue line will develop. The result is visible within 10 minutes.
The solution continues to migrate to encounter a third reagent (control reagent) that binds the control conjugate, thereby producing the green control line that confirms that the test is working properly.